DCAM discretionary investment management services are solely based on the segregated account model for all its clients via a Limited Power of Attorney limited to Investment Powers at the clients designated bank(s) of choice.
DCAM has in place agreements with a number of banks (the “Banks”) where DCAM Clients hold their account(s). The objective of such agreements is to institutionalise the relationship between DCAM and the Banks by defining a framework of cooperation. Such agreements cover, among other aspects, regulatory requirements and compliance procedures, including but not limited to best order execution practices, compliance with MiFIR, negotiated execution pricing applied to DCAM Clients at those Banks, IT capabilities for on-line access and monitoring of the Client accounts, procedures around order placing and access to dedicated execution desks at the respective trading rooms.
DCAM predominantly manages its client’s portfolios in long-only investment strategies, under well-defined Asset Allocation guidelines and risk parameters in the four primary investment mandates and five corresponding sub mandates. In addition, DCAM offers two Islamic investment mandates via “Wakalah” Agreements.
Whilst DCAM investment management is non-benchmarked it does maintain a robust set of Hurdle Rates for each mandate and sub-mandate it manages against which the Client can compare performance to.
DCAM maintains a well-defined investment management process in implementing its investment strategy and decisions covering the discretionary investment mandate it undertakes.
Investment Management Committee (IMC)
and Portfolio Management Team (PMT);
Emile E. Chammas – Managing Partner & Chief Investment Officer, [IMC / PMT]
Charles M. Samen – Partner & Co-Chief Investment Officer [IMC/PMT]
Mohamed Barrage – CFA, Portfolio Manager, [IMC / PMT]
John S. Pollen – Portfolio Manager, [IMC / PMT]
Lionel Dalfin – Portfolio Manager, [PMT]
Mohamad Malas – Partner, [PMT]
The main Client Benefits are as follows:
DCAM Compensation
DCAM avoids any conflict of interest by being directly compensated by the Client and not by the Banks or financial institutions via retrocession’s or rebate on commissions generated.
DCAM compensation is in the form of Management and Performance fees. The performance fee element (subject to out-performing the applicable Hurdle Rate and High Water Mark) aligns DCAM’s interests with those of the Client.
Execution Pricing
DCAM negotiated favourable pricing with the Banks on behalf of its Clients, as part of its agreement with these Banks, covering the execution / custody costs for DCAM Clients at such Bank(s).
Risk Management System / Portfolio Overview
DCAM maintains a robust proprietary Risk Management System (“RMS”) framework. The RMS data-base is updated daily via the on-line access / data downloads from each of the Designated Banks DCAM has an EAM agreement with. This ensures that the client data in the RMS covering each single security position, FX hedges and cash balances match those of the respective Bank(s).
As part of the RMS, DCAM produces a Portfolio Overview (“PO”) report for any of its Clients, upon request. The PO specifies the asset allocation percentages breakdown versus each client investment mandate guidelines, currency exposures (gross and net after hedging), Equity allocation analysis (by sector & geographical breakdown), Fixed Income allocation (by credit rating, coupon type & maturity) and other metrics. When the Client maintains multiple portfolios at different Banks the PO report consolidates all the portfolios across those banks.
DCAM, for each of its clients’, reports on a semi-annual basis. In addition to the PO, the report presents the performance calculations with the performance of selective global indices per asset class, the applicable Hurdle Rates and any other investment / market commentary.
The Client continues to receive, on a monthly basis, the account statements from the designated bank(s), as agreed between the client and the bank with the client having the option to request on-line access. The designated bank(s) statement(s) also include performance measurements.