About Us
DeaconCapital Asset Management LLP (DCAM) is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom and acts as the Group’s headquarters in London while DeaconCapital Asset Management LLP (DIFC Representative Office) is the Group Middle East regional representative office in Dubai's DIFC, which is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) as a Representative Office.
Our History
- July 2007
- DeaconCapital Group was founded by Emile E. Chammas;
- September 2007
- DCAM became authorised and regulated by the FSA;
- September 2007
- DCAM entered into its first External Asset Management (EAM) agreement with Merrill Lynch Bank Suisse- Geneva (MLBS);
- October 2007
- DCAM commenced its Discretionary Asset Management business;
- December 2007
- DCAM entered into an EAM agreement with CS-Zurich;
- March 2009
- DeaconCapital (Dubai) Ltd., [DCD], authorised and regulated by the Dubai Financial Conduct Authority (DFSA) with a Category 4 licence, commenced operations;
- December 2009
- DCAM Wealth Management Consulting (WMC) advisory business was established with the first mandate undertaken;
- December 2010
- DCAM entered into an EAM agreement with UBS-London;
- July 2013
- DCAM executed a new EAM agreement with Bank Julius Baer – Zurich, following their acquisition of MLBS, and migrated all client portfolios to the BJB-Zurich platform;
- January 2016
- DCG presence in Dubai, shifted to a Representative Office of DCAM via DCAM (DIFC RO);
- October 2017
- DCAM relocated to its new headquarters at 15 King Street in London’s St. James’s;
- October 2017
- DCAM launched its Real Estate Investment Services (REIS) business;
- May 2019
- DCAM Approved as a Small Authorised UK AIFM (sub threshold);
- February 2020
- DCAM entered into an EAM Agreement with LGT-Liechtenstein;
- April 2022
- DCG Holding company domiciliation changed from Guernsey to the UK.
Please refer to the Group and Governance organisation chart that highlights the current team members, Board of Directors and providers.
Since 2007, DCAM strives to continue its tradition to deliver a superior service via a stable and committed team dedicated to the Client service.